Monday, November 9, 2009


Have you ever heard of someone "flaunting the rules" before? I know I have. I'm not even sure that's possible.

This pair may sound similar, but they are not interchangeable.

"Flout" means "to ignore." As a kid, you probably flouted the rules of your parents once or twice, correct? That's what I thought. I know a lot of people around here flout the traffic laws because nobody seems to know what a speed limit is. . .or thinks it doesn't apply to him or her. Frustrating.

To "flaunt" is to "show off." A wife, for example, will flaunt the enormous wedding ring her husband so thoughtfully purchased. A child might flaunt a new toy, and your dog might just flaunt his bone. I'm not sure, however, to whom Fido is showing off.

Well, it's time to stop flouting my other responsibilities while flaunting my astounding intellect. Enough for today.

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