Thursday, October 22, 2009


I know this pair is a source of confusion for a lot of people. You know what they mean, you're just not sure which is which.

"Bi-" means "two." Plain and simple. If something is biannual, it happens every two years. Something bimonthly takes place every two months.

"Semi-," on the other hand, means "half." Something semiannual occurs every half year, or every six months, or twice a year if that sounds better. A semimonthly event would occur every half month, roughly every two weeks, or twice a month.

Are we straight now? Good.

I'm kind of bummed because I realize there wasn't too much snarky to say here. "Bi-" and "semi-" are pretty straightforward. I could have gone for a cheap laugh by using "bisexual" as an example, because someone in this field of endeavor is equally attracted to two genders. . .but I'm above that.

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